جامعة حكومية
الترتيب: 801 - 1000
طلاب دوليين: %81
الجنسيات: 35
إجمالي البرامج: 180
نسبة القبول: 40-50
الدراسة في جامعة شرق البحر المتوسط
تأسست عام 1979 تحت قيادة أوناي فاضل. وفي عام 1986 تم تحويلها إلى جامعة حكومية. يقع الحرم الجامعي داخل مدينة فاماغوستا (شمال قبرص).
تقدم EMU مجموعة واسعة من برامج البكالوريوس، بالإضافة إلى برامج الماجستير والدكتوراه. يدير معهد الدراسات العليا والبحوث بجامعة شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط حاليًا 13 مستوى دكتوراه، و20 برنامجًا للدراسات العليا على مستوى الماجستير مع متطلبات الأطروحة، و5 برامج للدراسات العليا على مستوى الماجستير مع متطلبات غير الأطروحة. وتقدم الجامعة منحًا دراسية للرياضيين الناجحين.

البرامج والرسوم الدراسية
خدمة الدعم موجودة دائمًا من أجلك!
Program | Duration | Language | Annual Fee |
Accounting and Financial Management |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Actuarial Science |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Architecture | 4 | EN | $5,846 |
Banking and Finance |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Banking and Insurance |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Biomedical Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Business Administration |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Chemistry | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Civil Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Computer Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Dentistry | 5 | EN | $18,250 |
Digital Game Design |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Economics | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
English Language Teaching |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Human Resources Management |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Industrial Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Information Technologies |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Interior Architecture |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
International Banking and Finance |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
International Finance |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
International Relations |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
International Trade and Business |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Management Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Management Information Systems |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Marketing | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Mathematics and Computer Science |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Mechanical Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Medicine | 6 | EN | $17,048 |
Molecular Biology and Genetics |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
New Media and Communication |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
New Media and Journalism |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Nursing | 4 | EN | $8,200 |
Nutrition and Dietetics |
4 | EN | $8,200 |
Pharmacy | 6 | EN | $8,683 |
Pharmacy | 5 | EN | $8,683 |
Physics | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation |
4 | EN | $8,200 |
Political Science |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Psychological Counselling and Guidance |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Psychology | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Public Administration |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Public Relations and Advertising |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Radio, Television and Cinema |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Recreation | 4 | EN | $4,838 |
Software Engineering |
4 | EN | $5,846 |
Tourism Management |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Translation and Interpretation (English) |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Visual Communication Design |
4 | EN | $4,838 |
Program | Duration | Language | Annual Fee |
Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Architecture | 1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Architecture | 2 | EN | $7,552 |
Banking and Finance |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Banking and Finance |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Banking and Finance |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Banking and Finance |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Business Administration |
1.5 | EN | $9,912 |
Business Administration |
2 | EN | $9,880 |
Chemistry | 2 | EN | $7,552 |
Civil Engineering |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Comparative Legal Systems |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Computer Engineering |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Computer Engineering |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Conservation and Restoration |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Cultural Heritage Studies |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Digital Media and Cinema |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Diplomacy and Conflict Management |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Economics | 1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Economics | 2 | EN | $7,552 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Energy Economics and Finance |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Engineering Business Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Engineering Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
English Language Teaching |
2 | EN | $8,328 |
English Language Teaching |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Gender Studies |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
General Psychology |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Hotel Management |
1.5 | EN | $3,290 |
Human Resources Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Industrial Engineering |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Industrial Engineering |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Information Communication Technologies In Education |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Information Communication Technologies In Education |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Information Systems Engineering |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Information Technologies |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Information Technologies |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Interior Architecture |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Interior Architecture |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
International Relations |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
International Relations |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
International Trade and Business |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Marketing Management |
2 | EN | $8,328 |
Marketing Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Mathematics | 2 | EN | $7,552 |
Mechanical Engineering |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Medical Biotechnology |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
New Media and Communication |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Physics | 2 | EN | $7,552 |
Supply Chain and Logistics Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Tourism Management |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Tourism Management |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Urban Design |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Urban Design |
2 | EN | $7,552 |
Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design |
1.5 | EN | $8,360 |
Program | Duration | Language | Annual Fee |
Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Architecture | 4 | EN | $12,913 |
Banking and Finance |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Business Administration |
4 | EN | $15,561 |
Chemistry | 4 | EN | $12,913 |
Civil Engineering |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Computer Engineering |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Economics | 4 | EN | $12,913 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
English Language Teaching |
4 | EN | $14,237 |
Industrial Engineering |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Information Communication Technologies In Education |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
International Relations |
4 | EN | $14,237 |
Mathematics | 4 | EN | $12,913 |
Mechanical Engineering |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
New Media and Communication |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
Physics | 4 | EN | $12,913 |
Tourism Management |
4 | EN | $12,913 |
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